Posts tagged CSR
Why corporate social responsibility should be a profit centre back to your business

When I speak of the proposition that CSR should be good for those that are giving, to the point that it is actually a profit centre back to the company, there is usually one of two responses.  The first is “that’s interesting, tell me more” and the second is “I don’t agree, we don’t want a return, we give because it’s the right thing to do.”

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Philanthropy v’s CSR

Businesses who engage with the charity sector like to believe that they are doing more than just donating a portion of their net profit to their chosen charity and in effect have a corporate social responsibility program in place.  Truth be known, many businesses who believe they are engaged in CSR, really are just engaged in corporate philanthropy.

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How Shared Value and Innovation will drive business growth

One of the areas where many organisations contribute to society is supporting charities and not for profit groups who work to fill the gaps that exist in society left by business and government.  With the exception of the mature and large corporate entities, many businesses choose to make their contribution in the form of monetary donations and/or skilled and unskilled volunteering. 

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